JHS-3 Syllabus - Digestion in animals

3.3.1 identify the parts of the digestive system and state their functions.
Structure of the digestive system in humans.
- review topics on digestion of humans from Primary 6.
- observe and identify the parts of the alimentary canal of humans from models and charts
NOTE: A dissected mammal e.g. rabbit, rat, showing the alimentary canal may be provided.
Explain the changes that take place when a meal of kenkey and fried fish passes through the alimentary canal.
3.3.2 compare the digestive systems of Monogastrics and Ruminants.
- draw and label the digestive systems of humans, chicken and ruminant
- compare the digestive systems of monogastrics and ruminants.
- state the functions of the parts of the digestive systems of the animals
Teacher to display charts/specimens of digestive system of humans, chicken and ruminant.
Pupils to tabulate the similarities and differences in the digestive tracts of monogastrics and ruminants.
3.3.3 describe the changes that occur to different food substances as they pass through the alimentary canal.
Digestion of food substances.
- discuss the processes of digestion in monogastrics and ruminants and note the differences.
- discuss the changes that occur to different types of food substances (carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils) as they pass through the regions of the alimentary canal.
- demonstrate the action of saliva on cooked starch solution, record and discuss their observations.
NOTE: The term “enzyme” should be introduced. Only general names of digestive enzymes e.g. amylases, lipases, proteases required
- mention the end products of digestion.
3.3.4 describe how undigested food substances are eliminated from
the body.
Ejection of undigested food substances through the anus.
discuss how undigested food substances are removed from the body.
3.3.5 explain the absorption of end-products of digestion in animals.
Absorption of end products of digestion.
Uses of end-products of Digestion.
Causes of indigestion.
Effects of indigestion in animals.
- discuss how undigested food substances are removed from the body
- discuss the absorption of digested food substances into the blood
NOTE: Functions of the liver should be mentioned.
- discuss how the end-products of digestion are used in the body
- discuss causes of indigestion.
- discuss the effects of indigestion on the body.
What are the end products of digestion of protein and starch?
State three functions of the liver.

JHS-3 Syllabus - Dentition in humans

3.2.1 identify parts of a tooth and describe the functions of different
types of teeth.
Structure of the tooth.
Types of teeth.
Functions of the different types of teeth.
- use charts, digital content and models to identify
the structure of a human tooth.
- mention the different types of teeth in humans.
NOTE: The dental formula is not required.
discuss the functions of the different types of human teeth.
Mention the different types of teeth and give their functions.
3.2.2 explain the causes of tooth decay, gum diseases and the
formation of plaque and how to prevent them.
- explain the causes of tooth decay, gum disease and the formation of plaque.
- Discuss ways of preventing tooth defects.

JHS-3 Syllabus - The Solar System

3.1.1. describe the components of the solar system.
use charts and digital content to describe the various components of the solar system.
What is the solar system?
3.1.2 explain what a star is.
- explain what a star is.
- explain the meaning of ‘galaxy’
- What is meant by the ‘milky
- explain the relationship between the sun and the earth in the galaxy.
3.1.3 list the planets of the solar system.
The Planetary System:
Planets of the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
- list the planets of the solar system in the correct order by their distances from the sun.
NOTE: Pluto is in dispute and more planets are being discovered.
3.1.4 explain the meaning of “satellite”.
- brainstorm to bring- out the meaning of satellite.
- construct an object to go round a bigger object to indicate the idea of a satellite.
3.1.5 distinguish between natural and artificial satellites.
- discuss the differences between natural and artificial satellites
NOTE: The Moon is a satellite of the earth while the Earth is a satellite of the Sun.
observe the sky over a period of time for movement of artificial satellites and comment on their observation.
Give three examples of artificial satellites.

JHS-3 Syllabus - Animal production

2.2.1 describe the general principles of animal production.
General principles of animal production: Breed selection, selection of production system, housing, breeding, management practices, record keeping, finishing, processing, marketing.
Benefits derived from farm animals
- list and discuss the general principles involved in animal production as in content
- use charts and digital content to examine characteristics of animal breeds
- visits farms in the locality to identify the kinds and characteristics of common breeds of farm animals and note the differences between them.
- prepare a chart of farm animals and their characteristics.
NOTE: The discussion should include both local and exotic breeds.
- discuss the benefits derived from farm animals.
- match farm animals with commodities and services derived from them.
Make a chart of farm animals showing their products and by-products.
2.2.2 rear at least one of the animals studied.
In groups, pupils rear at least one of the following animals and apply the principles in animal production:
i. Poultry
ii. Rabbit/Grass cutter/ Guinea pig
iii. Pig
iv. Sheep/Goat

JHS-3 Syllabus - Life cycle of mosquito

2.1.1 draw and label the life cycle of a mosquito
- using an experiment , discuss the developmental stages of the mosquito from the egg stage to full grown mosquito.
- prepare report and present to class.
Draw and label the life cycle of the mosquito.
2.1.2 outline methods of controlling mosquitoes.
Methods of controlling the mosquito
i. Environmental control method.
ii. Chemical control method
iii. Biological control:
iv. Genetic control method:
Advantages and disadvantages of the control methods.
- demonstrate the various methods of controlling mosquito.
- discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the control methods.
Teacher to organise a film to show on the life cycle of the mosquito.
How would you control mosquito with the knowledge of its life cycle.