JHS-2 Syllabus - Carbon cycle

2.1.1 describe how carbon is cycled in nature.
- discuss and illustrate the carbon cycle
- identify and explain the stages in the carbon cycle
- draw the carbon cycle
Teacher to design a role-play for pupils to perform showing the relationships between the various stages of the cycle.
Pupils to explain how the carbon cycle is disrupted by humans.
2.1.2 outline/ discuss the importance of the carbon cycle.
describe ways the carbon cycle is disrupted.
- gather information from library and the internet on human activities which disrupt the carbon cycle
-describe ways by which the activities disrupt the cycle.
List and discuss three ways the carbon cycle is disrupted.
2.1.3 explain the effects of the disruption of the carbon cycle on the environment.
- list and explain the effects of the disruption of the cycle on the
atmosphere and the environment.
2.1.4 outline ways to maintain the carbon cycle
- suggest ways to maintain the carbon cycle.


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